What is the UPOS?
U-POS comes with varieties of services such as: Be a seller of e-commerce Shopping Websites, Popular Mega Brands, Flight, Bus, and Hotel Booking platforms, and 12000+ Local Stores. Also, have a partnership in our exclusive products and inter-exchange your business across the nation, be a Loan Agent too and sell many more products to earn from them.
What is the difference between Silver/Gold/Professional UPOS?
Kindly click on the link to know more details and differences between all 3 UPOS Plans. https://upos.globalgarner.com/upos-plan-detail
How to book UPOS?
Step 1: Go to https://www.globalgarner.com/ Step 2: Click on register, register your GG user account Step 3: Go to https://upos.globalgarner.com/ Step 4: Click on Book Now select your desired plan, click on subscribe now and fill in the details, enter your GG registered username then click on Get OTP (OTP will be sent to your GG registered mobile number) Choose a password and the rest of the details. and click on next Step 5: Answer these questions with a yes or no, click on the yes/no button to select your answer and go to the next page Step 6: Enter the payment details, or select online to make payment of the UPOS. (Mention the correct UTR number and payment date.) Step 7: Click on I AGREE ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, and click on the register Note: Make sure to enter the correct Referral ID.
What is deals of loan? How to apply for it?
You can have your own loan agency and apply for loans on behalf of your customers to earn UPOS commission. You can fill out an inquiry form from UPOS the Digital Mall>>Financial Services>> Loans>> Deals of loan, and the team will contact you for further processing. You can check mail after 24 to 48 hours for more details.
Which referral should I enter while booking the UPOS?
There are different hierarchies that can be selected while booking a UPOS. For example An ACP Partner, Advisor, LevelNext Partner, GSDC, etc. For more details click on this link: https://business.globalgarner.com/
How can I get the GST claim?
Please add your GST number while booking the UPOS to get the claim for your GST. Note: GST Has to be updated while booking the UPOS to get the claim against your UPOS amount.
What is Quick Book?
Quick book is a fast and convenient way to make payments for UPOS online using credit/debit cards/UPI or wallets. However, UPOS booking has to be made in the next stage.
How to make payment of UPOS using quick book?
1. Click on quick book 2. Fill in the details and choose the plan then click on Proceed to pay 3. Make payment using any of this payment methods available
How to Login into UPOS?
Step 1: Go to https://upos.globalgarner.com/ Step 2: Click on Login and select UPOS - The Digital Mall or Web Dashboard, and log in with your registered username and password (Note: There are two options to log in, To make any purchase login to UPOS App. To track your transactions log in to the UPOS web dashboard)
How to update my UPOS profile?/ How to clear “got issues” error in my UPOS?
Step 1: Log in to UPOS >> Web Dashboard, Step 2: Click on my profile, Step 3: Fill in all the required details in the profile information and click on submit, Step 4: Now click on banking and Tax information and update your banking details, Also, update your PAN number and GST(optional). Note: The details can not be changed once the KYC is approved.
How can I get my UPOS visible on GG app in the nearby UPOS vendors?
Step 1: Login to UPOS>web dashboard, Step 2: Click on “my profile”, Step 3: Click on “location information”, fill up the details (enter your city, state and pin code etc.), Step 4: Now click “Pin Map Location” and save
How to update my PAN number in UPOS?
Step 1: Login to UPOS >> Web Dashboard. Step 2: Click on my profile. Step 3: Click on banking and Tax information and update your banking details. Also, update your PAN number. Note: Once the KYC has been approved, the information cannot be changed.
How to update my KYC?
Step 1: Login to UPOS >> Web Dashboard. Step 2: Click on my profile. Step 3: Now go to KYC verification Step 4: Upload images of PAN card, and Aadhar card front and back and click on submit. Note: The details can not be changed once the KYC is approved.
Where can I change my password?
Step 1: Log in to UPOS >> Web Dashboard. Step 2: Go to “My Profile”. Step 3: Click on “Change Password”, enter your current password and new password, and then click on the change password of UPOS-The Digital Mall App or Web Dashboard. Note: You can set a different password for UPOS-The Digital Mall App and Web Dashboard.
Where can I see my PIN/change my PIN?
Step 1: Log in to UPOS >> Web Dashboard. Step 2: You can see your UPOS Transaction PIN in the bottom right corner under UPOS Summary. To change your pin follow the steps below : My Profile >> Change UPOS Transaction PIN >> Enter the PIN >> Click on Change
How to get Cashback for the UPOS I purchased?
In order to get UPV/rewards against UPOS purchased, please follow these steps after downloading the invoice from UPOS >> Subscription Tab. Step 1: Open UPOS App. Step 2: Go to GG store >> Click on the bill symbol in the bottom right corner. Step 3: Search Vendor >> Global Garner Exclusive (22560). Step 4: Category >> Franchise. Step 5: Amount (Exclusive GST) and click on select file to upload the UPOS invoice. Step 6: Click on upload. (Remember to add customers and change cashback before uploading the bill).
Where can I see my Promotional Vouchers? How can I send them to others?
Step 1: Log in to UPOS >> Web Dashboard. Step 2: Go to “Vouchers”. Send the link and the process to redeem through Whatsapp or Facebook or email. (Note: GG mall vouchers are promotional vouchers, which can be used to get 100/-Rs flat discount in the gg mall segment). To Redeem the Vouchers or To order products from GG Mall, kindly follow the steps below: Step 1: Log in to the UPOS-The Digital Mall App. Step 2: Add the customer. Step 3: Click on GG MALL. Step 4: Click on Products/Vendors. Step 5: Select your products and add them to the cart. Step 6: Click on the Cart symbol and click on View and Edit the cart. Step 7: Click on checkout and make the payment after entering the PIN.
Where can I get the certificate of UPOS as a reseller?
Go to UPOS Web Dashboard>> Click Certificate >> Generate Certificate and you download the PDF copy.
What is UPOS agent?
Individuals who don't have enough money to purchase UPOS or want to experience How UPOS works, can participate in UPOS sales and work as UPOS agents under the main UPOS. A UPOS agent can make any transaction from UPOS on the customer's behalf and receive a commission.
How to register an UPOS agent?
Easy Steps to Create an agent. Step 1: Login to the UPOS web dashboard. Step 2: Click on manage agents and go to create agents. Step 3: Here owner can create agent, there will be two options - GG user or Non-GG user. Step 4: Once created it comes under My Agents tab. Step 5: The owner can activate or deactivate agent's account. Step 6: The owner can change the commission. Step 7: Once the agent account is created, he/she can login on the same upos login link. Step 8: Login with Agent credentials. Step 9: The agent can access UPOS and can place the order from his own UPOS app. Step 10: Once order is placed by agent then owner will be notified. Step 11: Owner can see it under agent order history tab. Step 12: Final order can be placed by owner only after owner approves the order. Step 13: Payment will be deducted from UPOS owner’s wallet. Step 14: The agent wallet is used only for earning commission, agent cannot use his/her wallet for loading balance. Step 15: The agent can withdraw his money from the wallet. (Note: Agent login link will be the same as UPOS owner login link. i.e. https://upos.globalgarner.com/)
Where can I see my recruited agents?
Step 1: Log in to UPOS >> Web Dashboard >> My Agents. Step 2: You will see all the information related to the UPOS agent.
How to Activate a UPOS agent?
Step 1: Login to UPOS >> Web Dashboard >> My Agents. Step 2: Click on the Inactive button, The agent will be activated.
How UPOS agent will earn?
UPOS agent earns a commission on the transactions made through his own UPOS app in proportion to the commission sharing declared between the UPOS agent & the owner at the time of registering the UPOS agent.
How to make a money load request using QR/UPI?
Step 1: Log in to UPOS >> Web Dashboard. Step 2: Click on “Manage money requests”. Step 3: Now click on “Add money load request”. Step 4: Select UPI as a payment method and submit. It will give another QR for the money load. Kindly scan the QR from UPI payment app and transfer the amount, the amount will be added to UPOS Wallet automatically. You can check the status of the money load request in the view money load request tab. Note: You can also transfer the amount using the given UPI ID or QR Code given in the Add Money Load Segment
How to transfer money from UPOS wallet into your Bank account?
Step 1: Log in to UPOS >> Web Dashboard. Step 2: Click on “Manage money request”. Step 3: Now click on “Add money withdraw request”. Step 4: Then submit it after entering the details. (Note: Withdrawal requests take up to 48 Hours to credit the amount in your bank) You can check the status of the money withdrawal request in the view money withdrawal request tab.
What is manage bills?
In Manage Bills you can see 3 options which are claim bills, View store bills, and BSW bills.
What is claim bill / View BSW bills / View Store bills?
You can claim an online paid GG store bill of a customer through the claim bill option. Step 1: Go to “Manage bills”. Step 2: Click on Claim store bill, enter the required details, and submit. You can see the submitted bills in view store bills. As indicated previously, BSW bills and Store bills are displayed in the respective tabs if any.
Where can I see all my transactions made from UPOS?
Step 1: Login to UPOS >> Web Dashboard. Step 2: Click on order transactions >> UPOS Passbook and UPOS Orders tab. You can see your credit and debit transactions statement-wise in UPOS Passbook tab and with details in UPOS Orders tab. UPOS purchases in UPOS orders and UPOS earnings. You can see customer orders in this tab, You can also change/view datewise order by selecting the dates as per your terms.
Where can I see my earnings?
Step 1: Login to UPOS >> web dashboard. Step 2: Go to order transactions and click on UPOS earnings. Note: The UPOS owner also gets 10x GG Coins against UPOS earnings.
Where can I see the commissions of all segments for UPOS owners?
Go to UPOS web dashboard and click on commissions. You can see the commission percentage of all different segments and brands.
What are other services in UPOS?
The additional services offered along with UPOS are referred to as other services. It is important to note that all services, except GG finzz, are provided free of charge.
What is GG Finz?
GG Finz is a physical device through which you can perform financial transactions i.e. credit the amount to a bank account or withdraw the amount.
How to apply for GG Finz?
You can fill out an inquiry form to apply for GG finz. The Finz team will contact you for further process.
What is Insurance POS? How to apply for it?
You can apply for your own Policybazaar dashboard and sell policies to your customers. You can fill out an inquiry form to apply for INSURANCE POS. The team will contact you for further process
Where will i get the link to login to my Policybazaar dashboard?
Step 1: Login to UPOS-The Digital Mall App. Step 2: Click on policybazaar and login with your registered mobile number.
What is Direct Travel Agency? How to Apply for it?
DTA- Direct Travel Agency or AGS HOLIDAYS is a B2B Travel Tech website. They provide all services including Flights & Holiday Packages. You can fill out an inquiry form and the team will contact you for further processing. You can check mail after 48 to 72 hours for more details.
Where will i get the link to login to my Direct Travel Agency Dashboard?
Login to UPOS-The Digital Mall App. Go to Travel segment and click on Direct Travel Agency and login with your registered USER ID provided by AGS Holidays
What is Damac Properties?
Global Garner has partnered with Damac, which is Dubai based real estate group. To apply for it fill out the application form for other services.
What is ATM? How to apply for it?
You can have Standalone ATM or CRM in your Professional UPOS Store to boost your Monthly Income. You can show your interest by clicking on the tick mark and submit. Note: ATM/CRM is given free with the professional UPOS only, therefore if you have silver UPOS, you can upgrade it to professional as per the current prices.
How can i download my UPOS sub agent agreement?
Step 1: Log in to UPOS >> Web dashboard. Step 2: Click on (download symbol) Sub agent agreement
How to make a money load request using credit card/debit card/paylater/net banking etc?
Step 1: Log in to UPOS >> Web Dashboard. Step 2: Click on “Manage money requests”. Step 3: Now click on “Add money load request”. Step 4: Select Online and submit. It will take you to a payment page, click on pay and enter the card/account details to make a payment. The amount will be automatically added to the UPOS wallet once the payment is done. Note: 2.5% payment gateway charges to be paid to use online money load.
Where will i get the link to login to my Deals of Loan Dashboard?
Login to UPOS-The Digital Mall App, Click Financial services >>Loans >> Deals of Loan >> Login with your registered number. You can log in with OTP and add leads for the loans on behalf of the customers.
Where to login to make transaction from my UPOS?
Click on login and then go to UPOS - The digital mall app to make transactions through UPOS.
How to add a customer in UPOS?
Step 1: Login to UPOS App. Step 2: Click on the symbol on the top left corner. Step 3: Enter the GG registered user name, either click on send OTP or enter User’s, UPOS Pin. Step 4: Click on Submit, the customer will be added successfully. (Note: Once you make a successful transaction for the customer, he/she will be visible under my customer's tab. Before doing transactions in any of the segments, the customer is required to be added to UPOS.
How to recharge/bill pay from UPOS?
Step 1: Go to bill pay and recharge. Step 2: Choose your segment. Step 3: Enter the details and proceed. Step 4: Enter 4 Digit Transaction PIN and Submit. Note: For the recharge and bill-pay segments, you must have funds in your UPOS card. (Cashback for recharge orders will be processed four days after the transaction date.)
How to buy gift cards/vouchers from UPOS/Mega-Brands?
Step 1: Go to mega-brands, choose your brand. Step 2: Select the voucher denomination & quantity and Click on Add to Cart. Step 3: Then Go to Cart and Click on proceed to Checkout. Step 4: Click on Continue after Entering the Address. Step 5:Enter the UPOS transaction pin and Click on make the payment. (Note: The cashback for mega-brands order will be processed after 4 days from the date of transaction/ voucher purchase.)
What is Physical and Digital in Mega-Brands?
While digital coupon codes are emailed to the user's registered email address, physical vouchers are supplied in hard copy to their mailing address.
How can I redeem User’s GG Coins in Mega-Brands?
Step 1: Go to mega-brands. Step 2: You can see golden GG coin symbol on the brands logo for which you can redeem GG coins up to 5% of the order amount. Step 3: Click on the brand and select the voucher price denomination and no. of vouchers you wish to purchase. Step 4: After selecting the price it will show the maximum applicable GG coins. Enter the number of coins, click on redeem, and proceed to purchase the voucher. GG coins will be deducted from user’s account.
How can I purchase from a GG Vendor?
Go to “GG vendors”, select a vendor you want to purchase from. You can also search the vendor by entering vendor name or search by category e.g. Search by name-Sai nath courier services or search by category/products.
How can I make online payment to Local Vendors?
Step 1: Open GG user app. Step 2: Go to GG rewards and click on pay. Step 3: Scan the Vendor QR code. Step 4: Click on add bill. Step 5: Now scan the category QR (vendors can find the category QR in the vendor dashboard >> menu >> stationary >> category QR) Step 6: Enter the amount ( apply GG coins if available). Step 7: Click on add bill image, and upload the image of the bill. Step 8: click on add bill. Step 9: You can apply GG voucher or select cash/online payment. Step 10: To pay online, select online payment and click on pay now. Step 11: Pay using your convenient method. (Note: No need to upload the bill if paid using Scan & Pay option
How to Upload the bill of a GG Vendor in UPOS?
Step 1: Add a customer in UPOS. Step 2: Go to GG vendors. Step 4: Click on (Bill Upload). Step 5: Enter details and click on choose file to upload the bill. Note: GG store bills can take from 7 to 30 days for the bill approval. The cashback will be processed after 48 hours from the date of bill approval and added to UPV.
How to shop from best shopping websites through UPOS?
Step 1: Click on the website you want to purchase from. Step 2: Go through the T&C and then click on “I accept all the terms and conditions” and visit the websites. Note: 1. No need to upload the bill as purchases are auto-tracked within 5 to 7 working days) 2. The purchases/ Bills of BSW will be approved after 90 to 120 days, and it will be processed for cashback after 4 days from the date of approval.
What is Travel?
You can find bus, flight, hotel and holiday package bookings under travel section along with the login link of AGS holidays (Direct Travel Agency). You can also find the shortcuts for the websites like booking.com, kiwi.com.
How to book a bus/flight from UPOS?
Step 1: Click on Travel and then go bus/flight segment in UPOS app Step 2: Enter the details and click search Step 3: Choose your bus/flight timings and other details/tickets and click on it Step 4: Book the ticket by entering further details and make payment by entering your pin. (Note: you must have the balance in your UPOS wallet for bus/flight segment)
What is GG exclusive?
Exclusive products sold by Global Garner Sales services Ltd mentioned in this segment.
You can make an inquiry about any of these requirements just by filling out one simple form for the user. The concerned department will get in touch with the user within 24 to 48 hours.
What are coin Vouchers?
In the vouchers segment, you can purchase vouchers in which you can utilize up to 100% GG coins.
What is online vendors? How to shop/purchase from it?
The online vendors are the vendors who registered their businesses on GG platform to sell their products online. 1. To buy from GG vendors, click on online vendors segment 2. Click on the vendor you want to purchase from and select the product 3. Click on add to cart and go to view and edit the cart 4. Mention the address details 5. Enter your 4 digit UPOS transaction pin and click on submit. The order will be delivered within 5 to 7 working days.
What is GG mall? How to shop/purchase from it?
The GG mall is the segment where vendors have listed their products on GG platform to sell. Step 1: To buy from GG Mall, click on it. Step 2: Select the product. Step 3: Click on add to cart and go to view and edit the cart. Step 4: Mention the address details. Step 5: Enter your 4 digit UPOS transaction PIN and click on submit. The order will be delivered within 5 to 7 working days.
What is GG labs?
In the GG Labs segment, you can book medical tests/ lab test at your home.
How to book medical test in GG Labs?
Step 1: Click on GG labs Step 2: Select the Test, you can click on the name to view the details Step 3: Click on add to cart Step 4: Now to go cart and click on checkout Step 5: Enter the pincode and contact number Step 6: Now click on check availability and click on next Step 7: Click on add new beneficiary and mention patient details Step 8: Click on apply and then click on next Step 9: Mention the details including date and time when you are available so that a technician can come and collect the sample at the mentioned delivery address Step 10: Enter 4 digit pin and make payment Note: You can also get the hard copy of the same ie. optional
What is Prepaid card?
You can buy Rupay reloadable and non-reloadable prepaid cards, where you will get GG benefits. These cards can be used on online and offline platforms wherever Rupay cards are accepted. (T&C apply)
How to buy Prepaid card?
Step 1: Click on prepaid card and select the card you want to purchase, You can click on card to see the details about the card. Step 2: Click on apply now and mention the details of the customer. Step 3: Click on continue and enter 4 digit transaction pin to purchase the card
Where can i see the card i have purchased?
Step 1: After logging in to the user account Step 2: Go to pre-paid card Step 3: Click on the card symbol in the bottom right corner Step 4: Click on verify/view details Step 5: An OTP will be sent to the registered mobile number Step 6: Submit OTP and view your card details which can be used on any online platform accepting Rupay cards.
How to add the balance to the prepaid card?
Step 1: Click on prepaid card and click on the card symbol on the bottom right corner. Step 2: Click on load balance. Step 3: enter the amount and mention pin to make payment. Note: Please complete the KYC before loading the balance.
How to add the balance to the prepaid card?
Step 1: Click on prepaid card and click on the card symbol on the bottom right corner. Step 2: Click on load balance. Step 3: enter the amount and mention pin to make payment. (Note: Please complete the KYC before loading the balance.)
How to complete KYC of prepaid card?
Step 1: Login/Register on https://www.pineperks.in/ (Note: Login with the mobile number through which the card was purchased). Step 2: Go to my profile. Step 3: Click on initiate full KYC. Step 4: Click on link received by pineperks and complete your full KYC process.
How many types of cards are there?
There are 4 types of cards 1. Rupay premium plus card- This is a full KYC card, the limit of the card is 2 lakh Rs./- 2. Rupay premium card- This is a Min KYC card, the limit of the card is 10,000/-Rs. 3. Rupay Prime card- This is a one-time purchase gift card that can be used online on selected platforms 4. Rupay Digital gift card- This is a one-time purchase gift card that can be used online all platforms
Where can I see if my purchase was successful or not?
Login to UPOS-THe Digital Mall App >> Account >> Agent Order History.
When the customers will receive Cashback/Rewards?
The customers will receive the cashback as per our Cashback systems i.e.- I) Instant Cashback (IC) - 2% to 10% in 5 to 7 days II) Random Pick Process (RPP) - 2% to 100% in one month. III) First in first out (SCB FIFO) - Assured 100% as per the SCB Process IV) My Circle - Just refer your friends & earn upto Rs.1 crore as real GG Money
How to Redeem Big Basket Vouchers?
Step 1: Go to my orders from the menu in the GG user app Step 2: Click on see vouchers Step 3: You can copy the voucher details Step 4: Now to redeem the voucher on big basket app Step 5: Open Big basket app and go to account Step 6: Click on my gift cards Step 7: Now enter the voucher code and voucher pin then click on redeem Step 8: Amount has been added in BB wallet, which you can use while placing an order for your groceries or household items Step 9: After clicking on checkout, you can click on USE BB WALLET BALANCE Step 10: And place the order
How to Redeem Zomato Vouchers?
Step 1: Go to my orders from the menu in the GG user app Step 2: Click on see vouchers Step 3: You can copy the voucher details Step 4: Now to redeem the voucher on Zomato App Step 5: Open zomato app on your mobile Step 6: And go to the account Step 7: Scroll down and click on zomato credits Step 8: The voucher is now added to your zomato credits which you can use while making payment for your order
How to Redeem Uber Vouchers?
Step 1: Go to my orders from the menu in the GG user app Step 2: Click on see vouchers Step 3: Copy the voucher Pin Step 4: Now to redeem the voucher on Uber app, open Uber app on your mobile Step 5: Go to account and click on wallet Step 6: Now click on gift card and enter the voucher pin Step 7: And click on add Step 8: The voucher is now added to your uber wallet which you can use uber cash while choosing the ride payment options
How to Redeem Amazon Vouchers?
Step 1: Go to my orders from the menu in the GG user app Step 2: Click on see vouchers Step 3: Copy the voucher Pin Step 4: Now to redeem the voucher on Amazon App Step 5: Open Amazon app and go to AMAZON PAY Step 6: Click on claim vouchers Step 7: Enter Voucher PIN and click on claim vouchers Step 8: Your Shopping Voucher will be added successfully Do shopping and when you check out it will SHOW THE BALANCE OF YOUR SHOPPING VOUCHERS which you can select to redeem
How to Redeem Flipkart super coins voucher?
1. Copy the voucher code from my orders. 2. go to https://supercoin.allaboutrewards.com 3. enter the voucher code 4. enter your mobile number and submit, now Redeem these coins on Flipkart app while shopping. NOTE: These are Flipkart super coin vouchers, which allow you to get discounts on selected products of Flipkart. Please check the coins applicable to the product before purchasing/redeeming the voucher.
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